- to be certain to buy it
- to be certain to buy it (to win, to come) обязательно/несомненно купить это (выиграть, приехать)
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Buy it now — on eBay is a feature on eBay s auction pages that allows a bidder to purchase a product for a set price at or above the minimum bid (or start) price. It is an optional feature, available to sellers for a small fee. If a person decides to purchase … Wikipedia
Buy on board — is a concept in commercial flight, where food and/or beverages are paid for on board; often food and/or beverages are not included in the ticket price for certain fare classes.Airlines using buy on boardEurope* Denmark ** SAS Denmark [… … Wikipedia
Certain Things Are Likely — is a 1987 single by British synthpop group Kissing the Pink. The single was the most successful of three dance chart entries, hitting number one for three weeks. The song also made the Hot 100, peaking at #97. In film Certain Things Are Likely… … Wikipedia
Buy American Act — The Buy American Act (BAA usc|41|10a|10d) was passed in 1933 by the U.S Congress, mandating preferences for the purchase of domestically produced goods in direct procurements by the United States government. Other pieces of Federal legislation… … Wikipedia
Buy to let — The phrase buy to let can refer either to the investment strategy of buying a residential property to be let for profit; or to a particular category of mortgage used to purchase a property for letting. For many years landlords have invested in… … Wikipedia
buy — Synonyms and related words: abide by, accede, accept, accept for gospel, accept implicitly, acclaim, acquiesce, acquiesce in, acquire, advantageous purchase, agree, agree to, agree with, applaud, approach, assent, bargain, be certain, believe,… … Moby Thesaurus
buy order — An order to a broker to purchase a specific quantity of a security. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * buy order buy order ➔ order1 * * * buy order UK US noun [C] (also buying order) … Financial and business terms
Buy Stops Above — A recommendation to buy a specific security when a the security s price exceeds a certain level of resistance by placing a buy stop order at that level of resistance. The trader s belief is that a good buying opportunity is present when the level … Investment dictionary
Buy-In Management Buyout - BIMBO — A form of a buyout that incorporates characteristics of both a management buyout and a management buy in. A BIMBO occurs when existing management along with outside managers decides to buyout a company. The existing management represents the… … Investment dictionary
Leveraged buy-out — Le leveraged buy out, abrégé en LBO, terme anglais pour financement d acquisition par emprunt, a été inventé par Douglas Brueder[réf. souhaitée] et consiste à racheter une entreprise en ayant recours à l endettement bancaire en engendrant un … Wikipédia en Français
Leverage Management Buy-Out — Leveraged buyout Un financement d acquisition par emprunt, également désignée par le sigle LBO (pour l anglais leveraged buy out) consiste à racheter une société en ayant recours à de l endettement bancaire aussi appelé effet de levier. C est l… … Wikipédia en Français